Globe Gilia Seeds (Gilias Capitata)


A beautiful west coast annual, Globe Gilia’s are easy-to-grow and highly drought tolerant. Their globe-shaped purple flowers attract bees and butterflies from May to July.

Seed packet size: 3.0 grams (~2,300 seeds)

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A beautiful west coast annual, Globe Gilia’s are easy-to-grow and highly drought tolerant. Their globe-shaped purple flowers attract bees and butterflies from May to July.

Seed packet size: 3.0 grams (~2,300 seeds)

A beautiful west coast annual, Globe Gilia’s are easy-to-grow and highly drought tolerant. Their globe-shaped purple flowers attract bees and butterflies from May to July.

Seed packet size: 3.0 grams (~2,300 seeds)

Things to know

Sunlight requirements: Full sun to partial shade

Characteristics: Globe-shaped blue to purple flowers

Bloom time: Spring to early summer

Planting instructions: Direct sow seeds into weed-free soil. Seeds can be lightly raked into the soil.

Height: 12-24 inches

Soil conditions: Prefers well-draining soil and can even grow in sandy conditions.

Life cycle: Annual

When to sow: Fall or late winter

Germination time: 14-21 days


Globe Gilia (Gilias Capitata)

Gilias Capitata, commonly known as Globe Gilia or Bluehead Gilia, is a native wildflower found all over western North America. Its distinctive globe-shaped clusters of bright blue to purple flowers make it visually striking. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, this wildflower plays a role in supporting local ecosystems. The flowers attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, contributing to biodiversity. Additionally, the root systems of Gilias capitata help stabilize the soil, preventing erosion and maintaining ecosystem integrity. The plant's adaptation to local climates enhances its resilience, and its seed production aids in the regeneration of plant populations. As a native species, Globe Gilias contributes to the overall diversity of plant life, playing a vital role in the health and balance of its natural habitat. Beyond its ecological benefits, the wildflower also adds to the aesthetic value of natural landscapes, enhancing recreational areas and fostering a connection with nature. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure the continued well-being of Gilias capitata and its role in supporting ecosystems.

Wild Spaces Land Care is a Vancouver-based company focused on highlighting the importance of gardening with native species. We want to bring more attention to our native flora and make the plants more accessible to local gardeners. We source our seeds from suppliers around the PNW and ensure high quality seeds and industry standards for germination rates.